Frequency of Love

528 Hz The Love Frequency
Video Credit: The Mantra Collective
Donna Pool-His Way does not own any rights to this music video
“Now the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom.” 2 Cor. 3:17

Time to Revisit the Frequency that resonates Love in our Souls. The Freedom to love and be loved is available to all. Let’s not forget Freedom from all oppression, addiction, unhappiness, abuse, negativity, unfairness, unkindness, untruth, and feeling unloved, unworthy, or unable is found within as that is where God’s Spirit lives. His creation resonates love, survival, peaceful existence. It is us humans who misalign that existence with selfish endeavors, power hungry ways, and uncaring attitudes creating a negative resistance to loving our neighbors, environment, animals, families, and even self. Living together, yet different can be done in Love with His Truth at the helm which positively impacts creation. Reach out to Truth today and be Free to embrace Healing, Honor, Respect, Happiness, and most of all, His Love of all areas in your life right now. Run away from hurt, shame, abuse, unfairness, injustice and Run Into His Arms of Love.

Listen for your Holy within to Rise up and banish all that is negative in your life and in this world. Take a Stand in the name of our Father in Heaven. Embrace the Positive. Thank God for Freeing You from present and past abuse, even generational, and for Showing You how to help others live Free in Him