Look Back to Grow Forward in Faith

As you look back on your life can you see instances where people came into your life at the right moment on the days you needed it the most? God carries us by sending us help, prayer warriors, and speaking through the Holy Spirit. If you are having a rough time right now just hold on in faith, His Truths, and in prayer. Help is coming.

Do you remember those times in your life when your money was stretched too thin and with frets of worry wondered how you were going to make it? Yet, someone showed up with a meal, a gift card, or bought you gas! God sustains not just in His Word, Spirit, and Relationships, but also by encouraging others to reach out and help for no other reason than they care. Open your heart to receive His sustaining provisions.

Are you struggling mentally, with addiction, with anger, lack of care, unhappiness…? God made each of us wonderfully different. Each of us were knit together in our mother’s womb for purpose and mission. Seek Guidance from Holy Spirit to gain insights into your uniquely created self so you can shed the skin of the world and live according to the plans laid out for your life. It’s a process that takes a lifetime. God doesn’t make mistakes! He makes something good out of every mistake we make.

Allow His grace, mercy, and forgiveness to saturate your soul so your eyes may be opened to truth, worthiness, and trust.

God doesn’t abandon. He Rescues. Are you ready?

Photo Credit Unknown