A beautiful sunset. Moon shadows casting etheral light at just the right moment. Your dream of blue oceans. The white feather found amid the heartbreak of losing someone close to you. Signs and wonders from God are unspoken goads that wrap our hearts and minds in assurance that Holy is still with us. His creation, dreams, visions, a train whistle, and the call of the loon in winter speak volumes to humans about holiness without the clutter of words thrown about in casual ways.
When you experience the world day after day, are you hearing and seeing strictly science or God in His creation?
Listening is not just hearing words pass by your ears. Listening is felt with your eyes, your heart, and your mind. It becomes a deeper, enlightened understanding.
In these current uncertain times, it is extremely important to listen for God in every sense in every way. Lies are rampant. Fake everything is rampant. The world is at war with evil. Make time to seek God daily.
Are you listening with every fiber of your spirit for the Holy One?
Make me to know your ways, OÂ Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long. Psalm 25:4,5