Full Moon Angel Wings
The full moon in the dead of night spreads out in beautiful rays of color wrapping the world in flowing wonder. Like shards of glass or, perhaps, angel wings the beauty reaches far and wide in the galaxy while the eyes watching below on earth see a round white ball.
It is a vivid reminder of how powerful our Holy light within can spread and fly when it appears so small and far away. What is unseen is more powerful than we realize. Never give up hope. Never underestimate the power of your light. Never doubt the radiating possibilities of Holy just because you can’t see it with your earthly eyes. What you project out into this world in words, love, deeds, and service goes farther than you will ever realize. Shine good, not evil, so Holy is reflected in the life you live everyday.
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose…shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the Word of Life…” Philippians 2:13-16