Life Long Aspiration

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Righteous = doing the good and right thing for all….

It takes effort, practice, patience, determination, and, sometimes, your most diligent work to develop a lifetime of doing what is right. Why? Because it’s not always easy. We live in an age where fast pace living and monetary gain are viewed as traits of successful living over humane treatment of animals (i.e. lab testing, environmental destruction, captivity). Decisions to over build on land is seen as progress, success, a monetary landfall, and not seen as destroying wildlife habitats. Which is the right thing to do? Over population for monetary gain or preservation of land, water, and nature? A balance must be taken into consideration in order for harmony in creation to thrive. It all boils down to whatever we as humans aspire to in life; money at all costs or making the effort to create a win-win situation for all of life.

Living a righteous life isn’t showing up to church on Sunday, singing praise songs, prayers , and giving money to missions then show up at work on Monday to sign a billion dollar contract that will destroy the land, animals, homes, and nature. To live a righteous life it must be a daily endeavor and involve every aspect of our lives not just resisting temptations of whatever sins we are drawn to; gambling, drinking, drugs, anger, pride, lying, sleeping around with whoever. The life long aspiration of always doing the right thing and seeking, with patience and endurance, the balance in every situation that benefits all of creation is the ultimate goal; that is a life lived in reverence of God.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” Matthew 5:6