Focus on the triumphs. Acknowledge the losses. Like a garden, learn to change with each season of life. No one circumstance in life lasts forever. But it will in your mind and heart if you choose to focus on the losses.
So what’s growing today in your garden? Are you enjoying bright sunflowers, healing weeds, and healthy veggies? Are you noticing the thorns instead of the rose’s, the dead flower tops instead of the 2 beautiful ones that are left, or the carrots eaten by rabbits the night before instead of the 3 that are left?
A garden is a give and take. Life is a give and take. Both take hard work and neither will turn out perfect. However, both will give seasons of splendor, beautiful moments, and happiness. It’s what we choose to focus on and how we view life. Sometimes the garden of life is bare and lonely and dry, but if we work at it, nurture it, contend for something good to come, it will flourish. Much like our faith. Without nurture it dries up and whims take over. Sometimes we must contend for our faith, as well, for things and people and life aren’t what they appear to be.
“…I felt I had to write and urge you to contend for your faith.” Jude 1