Life is a Balancing Act

It is interesting to sit back and watch people who haven’t ridden horses much, if at all, give riding advice to someone who puts in the work, effort, and time to ride daily or weekly. As with many other sports, riding looks easier than it is, feels exciting and scary in the same moment, and takes brave courage to think quickly enough to maneuver a 1000 lb. animal into doing what we want in a calm, yet “herd leader” manner without getting killed. It’s a balancing of harmony, wills, emotions, and still making progress at all times.

Isn’t life the same way? People who know nothing to very little of what we may be dealing with in life still have to offer a bit of champion advice, criticism, control tactics, angry mumblings or helpful words in the name of tough love. That part of our human nature is what leads us to off to angry unbalanced pathways in life, temptations, sinful dabbling’s, and cruel actions among other unsavory words and actions.

However, there is always one who knows the whole truth of it. Jesus lived on earth as a human. He even knew about riding donkeys. He is the Mediator on our behalf in heaven at the throne of God when Satan shows up to discredit us with our earthly mistakes. Divine’s Hope of fairness, compassion, justice, unconditional love, promises of help in our earthly life, and patience serves to teach us in Word and in Truth. His Holy Spirit lives within to lead, guide, direct, balance, and stabilize life on earth, because it is not always easy, harmonious, or calm. We are not always brave and courageous. We give into fear. We make mistakes. Yet, Divine takes us back and leads us to new paths so we can make progress. So, who are you listening to? The World or Divine within? Is your life balancing out like a great riding horse, a calm spa experience, a harmonious musical piece? If not, step out in faith and into His Spirit in confidence. It is life giving and life fulfilling.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9