
Esther was born into the time and place that God ordained. He knew she would grow into being instrumental in saving the people in that space of time in history. It was a choice she made to stay close to God and forfeit saving just herself by running away.

The woman who met Jesus at the well experienced a changed life one day. God knew that was the perfect timing. She was open to hearing Jesus and shared her testimony to others upon returning to her village. This one encounter to listen and believe saved many who went to hear Jesus speak. Her choice to listen then share was Godly timing for this woman at the well showing up at the same time as Jesus.

God ordains life. Holy gives us choices in life instead of mandates. It is up to each of us to continually seek and live out our God-given purpose in Holy timing.

In our worldly impatience, we miss the boat sometimes, but keep in mind you were born in this time in history for a reason. You were born into the family you were meant to be and are right now living your life with those who God ordained. Your life is not one big mistake.

Seek holiness as you go about living in hell on earth. Your time is coming. It can not be rushed. You will find your way if you live every moment seeking the will of God.

You are strong enough. Keep going in Jesus’ name.

Many are the plans in the mind of a human, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand. Proverbs 19:21