
The deaths of many family and friends these last couple of years have called to mind the mysteries of God’s timing. In the throes of grief, the mind doesn’t settle until we are able to give total and complete submission to that Holy timing. It is never the right time to lose someone in life that you made memories with in laughter, hugs of caring, riding horses, fun trips, and deep conversations over morning coffee. I am forever thankful for the time well spent.

While the memories are etched deep within my soul, I also prayed many prayers for their soul. The best feeling is knowing each was a God warrior in their own way. It’s personal, their walk with Jesus on earth and into eternity. I am sure each one thought they would have more time here.

Satan lies to us every day that we have enough time to make memories. We seem to think making money is more important than time well spent. Don’t  believe the lies any longer. Be ready.

No one on earth knows you like your Heavenly Father. Do not let your time run out before you embrace His Ways through Jesus’ saving grace. You just never know when your time on earth is up. Make sure you know where you’re going.

Today is the day to get right with God and live according to His will and not Satan’s self sabatoging way of living.

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:11