It is hard to let go and let God. In this world, we taught to make it on our own. Yet, We can not do that and follow God closely.
Mary learned that lesson when Jesus stayed in the temple teaching while they began the travel home. After a day, she and Joseph realized Jesus wasn’t among family and friends. They returned to Jerusalem to look for him. After 3 days, they found him in the temple.
Mary said, “Son, why have you treated us like this?” Jesus asked, “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” Luke 2
Jesus traveled to Nazareth with his parents and was obedient. It wasn’t time to reveal who he actually was. Yet, Mary sensed the change, and scripture says she treasured this time. Yes,it is hard to let go and let God.
We do not know God’s full plan. We must treasure our time with Him. Then let Him make a way in His timing. Stay focused on God and the moves God orchestrates will make sense in His timing.