We all have that one family member, teacher, riding instructor, youth group leader, mentor, music instructor, or someone who opened our minds, hearts, and eyes to the excitement of success. The one who took interest in our abilities, spent extra time, celebrated our hard work with enthusiasm, and taught us to believe in ourselves. They left tracks of confidence, encouragement, and authentic love on our hearts that are still etched on our minds today. It serves as a glowing reminder of how opportunity, caring, and capabilities collide at just the right time to create magical moments of success.
This is the story of Jesus’ whole life spent on earth. He used everyone moment of opportunity to include everyone, to help all, and to heal when asked. His mission was about living life in the positive, taking on and and freeing humans up from the burdens that get us down, hang on to us, or drag us through the mud. By giving Him the burden, insecurity, feelings of unworthiness, anger, or whatever it is that keeps you in the negative, we are forgiven, washed clean, and our life’s difficulties are lightened up. Jesus left, and still leave, tracks of love, endurance, kindness, compassion, and mission in our hearts with the confidence and assurance that we can get it done.
What tracks are You leaving behind, positive or negative, good deeds or bad deeds, helpful or hurtful? Whose life can you make a difference in today?
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10