Lead By Example

Credit: A Horse Box & Ralph Waldo Emerson

Are you a leader or a follower? Either way, you were created to excel wherever you are in life. Following the path is easy. It’s also safe. It doesn’t take much thought. You can choose to just follow along in your own little world while ignoring any of the possible evil undermining of the masses. This can also become boring, dull, and unexciting. You can also go mindlessly in the wrong direction and not realize it till it’s too late. However, you won’t really know that if you’ve just been following the set path with the rest of the group for you won’t have put much thought into it. Perhaps reexamining the deeper meaning of this quote by Emerson is just the thing humanity needs right now.

Maybe you need to hear these words read aloud as an assurance that the path you are on is just about following the opinions of the others and not what you really feel, think, or know you need to be doing. We are created to be trail blazers! We are created to think! We are created in the image of God, of Christ the babe born in the hay, with Holy Spirit dwelling within. Jesus certainly didn’t follow mindlessly along with the opinions of His day and time. Instead of joining hypocritical religious rituals, selling goods at His Father’s house (temple/church), or turning a blind eye to the helpless, poor, sick, and lost, He thought of ways to teach people a different way by His way of life. Instead of using judgmental tactics or shaming the people into submission, or even considering Himself above everyone else, He left a trail of Hope, Joy, Peace, Healing, Miracles, Forgiveness, and Goodness. Example after example Jesus Showed Us how we are to live in unity among each other. He broke free from the way things had always been done and presented the desperate people with a new way to live, and decade after century after generation He offers the same Promises, Truths, Prayers, and way of life to you and I during this very day in time. We must be willing to think through what path we are on, the direction of our lives, what we really believe, how we intend to live the rest of our lives; following humans, or following Jesus.

“For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you leaving you an example, so that you might follow in His steps.” 1 Peter 2:21

Maybe it’s time to make a conscious choice to get off the old path and cut a trail to victory for yourself, for others, for the good of all. Ask the Divine how you are to break free from the old and embrace the new, unseen, life changing adventures through the examples you leave in the wake of your life. Find the trail God has been waiting on you to cut through and follow Him. Tis the Season of Remembering, Birth, and New ways. Lead the Way!

“See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.” Colossians 2:8