Kneeling is for Prayers

Credit: gracefulchic; Denzel Washington

Too many times we bend the knee to serve our greater purpose only to fall short for not being thankful for how we got there to begin with in life. Kneeling in disagreement using a platform of where you have successfully “made it” without regards to thankfulness is shallow and self serving. Kneeling to our weaknesses is a form of self destruction that knocks us down time after time. Kneeling to pick up a toddler’s toys after a long day at work can be done in a burdensome way or a way to be thankful that the day is quietly moving towards rest. It’s all a choice. Are you kneeling to gain attention, even in prayers, or is the attitude of your heart that of thankfulness and sincerity? We all kneel. What are kneeling for? Who are you kneeling to?

Kneeling in Prayers is the only way to rise above the fray of life’s biggest discontents, social injustices, and overcome our weaknesses because when we rise up we do so empowered by the Holy of all. When we hand it all over to Divine with a thankful heart Mercy, Love, and Forgiveness spills over into our lives and into the lives of those around us in magnificent ways. Kneeling prayers draw us close to Holy. Life gets better with kneeling!

“Let us kneel before the Lord our maker.” Psalm 95:6 “Jesus withdrew from them about a stone’s throw and knelt down and began to pray.” Luke 22:41