Keep Going

When we actively seek the holiness within, the self within diminishes. To fully hear the voice of God within, we must recognize it. To recognize God’s voice in our spirit, we must know Him deeply and personally. To know God that personally requires consistent relationship and constant communication.

Some days, when all that can be uttered is Holy Spirit come in Jesus’ name, it is enough. It is enough to keep going in life’s uncertainties. It will blossom into the revealing truths needed to maintain your daily walk with Jesus. Keep Going. You are not alone.

The Son of Man came eating and drinking (with the people), and they say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and “sinners”. But (Jesus says) wisdom is proved right by her actions. Matthew 11:19

Be consistent in nurturing your faith. Be truthful with yourself. Keep going forward in Jesus’ name. Let the rest fall away.