Journey of Faith

Christmas today is depicted as a fun, cuddly, and exciting season when the reality of the reason we celebrate required the faithful obedience of trust in God. Forced to travel to Bethlehem for the census, Mary was heavy with child and Joseph probably fiddled in his mind the dangers of the days ahead.

The timeless reality of Christmas is that God traveled with them as they embarked on this journey of faith. The same is true for us today. God does not promise an easy life. But God promises to be with us through each and every trial. That is the beauty of Christmas.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds. Philippians 4:7

In our fears, trepidations, difficulties, and uncertainties God goes with us. In your journey of faith in life never forget that you are protected, provided for, and give you peace. Step out in faith to obedience no matter your hard travels. God is with you.