Jesus Friend

As I sat in the silence of my home this morning, I heard the birds singing in the forest. I was reminded that, again, there is still beauty to be found in this life. God sent that to me as I began to reflect on the friends gathered yesterday to celebrate, remember, and weep over the loss of a great horseman, friend of many, and a man who loved the Lord. All of us were changed by our encounter with him. He will be greatly missed. RIP Sherwin.

In our sadness, weakness, and silent sufferings, God sends friends, woodland songs, and thoughts on what’s important in life. Don’t miss those moments. They are sustaining.

I know Jesus must have been saddened by the betrayal of his friends. However, it did not make Him give up His mission, give in to temptations of satan, or fade away into hiding. Jesus stood firm. He suffered. We suffer. He kept going. We can, too.

Today, be a friend to someone in need. Jesus is with you.

….I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. John 15:15