It’s A Process

For Seven Generations
Photo/Quote Credit: The Seventh Generation Principle is based on an ancient Iroquois philosophy that the decisions, even regarding relationships, we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future.
“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3 (NIV)

Life is a process no matter how you tackle it. Wouldn’t it be a magical place to live if all people of all races in every country in this world came together in harmony completing a circle of unity? Our Heavenly Father would be dancing in the courts of heaven if humans could get this one thing right. Sadly, for generation upon generation humans continue to jockey for position to rule over one another, for monetary gain, political interests, race wars, religious wars… Until the world turns away for selfish gain and towards a peace filled existence the same process continues globally.

But, what about personally? There is something to be learned from the saying “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me”. This is where your personal relationship with Christ comes into play. Growing in Faith, Hearing the Holy Spirit within, Striving to do the right thing, Working Hard not to give into Temptations = life with Christ. And, it’s a process. Don’t let discouragement and hate weigh you down.

Pick up the pace of Prayer, Reading His Word, Singing Praise Songs, Helping Someone in Need, Seeking a Faith Friend until Christ’s voice speaks so loudly within that it drowns out the disunity of the world. Then, for that moment in time, Peace will reign in your world and by reaching out you may just help someone else find His Peace in their world, too.

Let the Circle of Peaceful Life Prevail in Christ.