If we believe the love between animals as well as the love between humans and animals is an unexplainable, magical, supernatural occurrence that we just can’t explain in words sometimes, then why is it hard to believe in the supernatural love of Jesus. From a training standpoint, fear and harsh punishment never develop bonds of trust and love between the animal and the trainer/rider. Even those horses who are highly sensitive, maybe timid, unsure, lack confidence, and those who are tame enough for the most timid rider can suffer under circumstances of being misunderstood, unappreciated, dulled to happiness, burned out on showing, just because of that one missing element of love. Without it, a lifetime of recovery and harm to overcome is really the final outcome in all these cases. Many talented horses never truly realize their full potential because of mishandling, improper training, impatient methods, and lack of trust. Many are even sent to slaughter just because they don’t measure up quick enough. It is sad.
However, a trainer/rider who puts love and appreciation for the animal at the forefront of all training, riding, disciplining, and does so with patient kindness and true care for the horse can tame the wildest most spirited of all without the need for quick fixes and harsh methods realizing that some take longer than others to trust, love back, and learn. As well, the tame, laid back ones flourish and give their hearts for the ones who they learn to trust, even beyond what their capabilities are thought to be. Horses always know when they are loved, appreciated, and respected. Such is the way of humans as well. Love covers a lot of hurt feelings, frustrated emotions, anger, and imperfect communications, even if it takes a longer than expected.
I am so thankful Jesus doesn’t give up on me in all my imperfections. His love can tame the wildest ones, encourage the tamest ones to step out in faith, and can lead all of us on the greatest ride of our life. His Love is Safe, His Love is Trustworthy, His Love Saves All.
“We Love because He first loved us.” 1 John 4:19 (ESV)