Into Paths Unknown

Change is never easy, but the process of life is surrounded by changing seasons, new birth, moving cities, masks, lockdowns, and exciting paths into unknown territory. It is easiest to repeat old patterns, follow along, to remain unchanged, but as keepers of His Truths we are called to step away from the old and into the new. Are you allowing yourself to remain a prisoner of all that has and will continue to drag down the path of a bewildered, defeated, and possibly destructive life? The temptation is real. Many choose to give in just one more time, just today, or just because they are too tired to rise above it, fight the good fight, and/or procrastinate a necessary change. It’s the easy way with the least resistance. But, Now is the time for Change.

Are you brave enough to be a pioneer of the future? Your future in Jesus name depends on it. What is a pioneer anyway? Biblically, the word pioneer denotes one who goes first in a great venture; a pathfinder; the root meaning is indicative of a biblical warrior equipped for war; one who leads the way, goes first, prepares the direction. Jesus was the pioneer of the first church. He pushed boundaries for the greater cause of the kingdom. He overcame great challenges, endured enormous hardship, and learned skills by spending time with His Heavenly Father to complete His mission. In fact, if you think of Abraham, Moses, Noah, David, Paul, Peter, the other apostles, plus many more there is a common thread that runs through their accomplishments: A Pioneering Spirit of Faith and Optimism. We need this today. It’s time to step away from the past and embrace the path of the unknown that leads to great opportunities for the greater good of the kingdom. How? Fix your attention on God and choose His way, His path, His, instructions. By remembering your ancestral survival skills, learning new ways/skills, or stepping into a leadership role your pioneer spirit will rise up. Never forget the first pioneer resides within you by way of His Holy Spirit. You have help at your fingertips. You are never expected to walk the unknown path alone. Residing in your very spirit is the grand pioneer of all. And, even if you sometimes allow your spirits to get down and go dormant, Divine is there patiently awaiting your call to lead the way for such a time as this. Now is the time. Remember Mary and Joseph’s travel of survival to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. Few in today’s world would have made it. “For unto us a Child is born…”

“It was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the pioneer (Jesus) of their (the people) salvation perfect through suffering as part of His plan to glorify many children.” Hebrews 2:10 (ISV)