Inner Peace Wherever You Are!

Perfect places and perfect people are not found on earth. When we pretend either exists we can never find the joy and happiness waiting for us where we are right now.

I still miss my farm, but I’ve found the joy of the forest right where I am. Lessons abound there. Lingering in the mad and hurt blocked these treasures in the past. Now, and in the future, I choose to search and find the treasures of peace and happiness amid the mess of right where I am.

It’s the choices we make in the moment. If we have found our way to inner peace our choices become clearer, healthier, confident.

What are you choosing to do this year? Inner peace is your way out of whatever problems, unhappiness, hurt, madness, or addiction your world has taken you through. It doesn’t take them away. It teaches you how to live better than you have been in spite of the upheaval.

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7