Inner Knowingness

Is your inner knowingness the very voice of God or the unethical games of the enemy?

When we align our hearts and minds with the way of honesty, integrity, doing the right thing… our values align with Holy, Comfort, and Joy. If we play into the mind games of the enemy through revenge, bitterness, self indulgence….our values align differently and leads to a lifetime of anger, unhappiness, defensive attitudes, depression, addiction…

What are you aligned with in your life? Does it resonate with good and right and honest effort? The path to integrity begins within each of us first before it can be lived and shown outwardly. It then becomes a natural occurence within our daily living no matter others responsive actions or words. 

Beginning today awaken your inner knowingness to Holy Spirit and choose what’s right. It begins with you first. Do your values match your actions?

“Hear me you who know what is right…do not fear the reproach of humans or be terrified by their insults…Awake! Awake!… ” Isaiah 51

The integrity of Jesus is evident in how He lived on earth. Other people’s opinions, temptations, insults, plots to kill Him…did not affect or deter His actions, His teachings, nor His care for the sick, poor, helpless unlovable, women, children, and lost. His ways of living then still teach us better ways to live today.

The integrity of God is unchanging. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  His heart for you is the same in your wilderness as it is in the promise land in store for you.

Holy Spirit resides in your inner knowingness. Awaken it Today!

Photo Credit Unknown