In Kindness

He simply offered His time, healing, miracles, God words, and forgiveness in kindness. It wasn’t about how important they were, their social status, how religious they seemed, or if they could do something for Him in return. It was about being available to help anybody and everybody at any given time; no questions asked and no matter what He needed to delay to do it. He didn’t pick and choose who He helped based upon whether He agreed with them or not.

If Jesus walked the earth today who would He help, sit with, talk to? The sick, the homeless, the prostitute, the addict, the inmate, the gay couple, the young girl who just had an abortion, the rich, the argumentative, the preacher, the old, the boy with no shoes, me, you….

His life was one of example, teaching moments, radical moves, and kindness. Sometimes we need to be more like Jesus and sit with those we don’t agree with. After all, there may not be another chance to share your story in Jesus name in kindness. Who are you helping, sitting with, or talking to today?

But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees others in need, yet closes their heart against them, how does God’s love abide in them? 1 John 3:17