What do you aspire to these days? To become a great surgeon, to climb Mount Everest, to be a famous scientist or dancer? What do you aspire to morrally?
It has been a rough Holy Week for Jesus so far, and it’s only Tuesday. Can anyone relate? The people embraced Him on Sunday. On Monday, He turned the tables on the temple of theives in His Father’s house who were making a mockery of worship and prayer, and taught a lesson about how true faith bears fruit by using a fig tree. By Tuesday, the religious leaders argued with Jesus questioning His authority. Jesus taught in parables, but the crux of His message never wavered nor departed from God’s intent.
As Jesus’ week progresses, things get harder, but He stays the course, follows through on His life mission, and never gives up. He never gave up on me, you, the world. We are all worth saving. I aspire to be like Jesus.
Aspire: to seek something of great importance; to desire; the drive we have to inspire ourselves and others to make a difference in one’s life. This is the divine power.Â
Who do you aspire to be like?