Holy Happiness

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Why is it we think that if we can just do everything that makes us happy we will then be happy? In many ways that is a selfish way of looking at life, but it is also, in the long run, disappointing and just perpetuates the cycle of finding the next thing, person, drug, food, etc. in the endless pursuit of happiness. It is really an unfulfilling pursuit in that most of the time they are tangible things that have no feelings so it’s just self gratification. If this happiness mission involves thinking another person, group, or committed relationship will provide the fulfillment you’re looking for it is still only a self gratifying endeavor. Happiness is heartfelt. When our hearts are aligned with the Holy One our idea of happiness changes. Those things and shallow people we once thought so important to our fulfillment become not so important anymore as we search for deeper meaning in life rather than fleeting Happy moments. When our hearts are God centered even the simplest walk in the forest can bring the strongest happiness into our souls.

Holy driven happiness gives way to deep connection with Jesus. How is your happiness these days? Stop looking without for fulfillment in your life. Look within and the outside happiness comes. Be patient. Keep praying. Delight in the simplest of life’s Holy pleasures.

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4