Hold Tight

Photo Credit Unknown
Scripture Credit: GOD

In all the ways of humans it is easiest to point fingers, be judgmental, terrorize the innocent, play games of superiority, or be confrontational in anger. These modes of operation destroy homes, countries, children, and lives of the oppressed just by choosing to hold on to generations of hate in the name of freedom of speech. In this country We are Free to Hate or Free to Love. Hate destroys. Love Restores. Many Lives have been lost in wars to protect this freedom. Let’s not dishonor their sacrifice. It all depends on what you hold onto tightly. Let go of all that is destroying you, your family, your country. Be determined to hold tight to all that is Good, Honest, and Restoring. Take deliberate actions towards healing yourself, your family, your generations of ancestors that have gone before you, and your country by acknowledging the worth of all and who we are individually created to be in the freedom Christ provided.

As Christians we are called to Stand for Christ in the face of adversity, to join together in solidarity, prayer, and for the greater good of the kingdom. We are not called to hide away in the church building pretending we will not be touched by the ugliness of humanity. Christian leaders in authority must be willing to stand up for Christ in their jobs, homes, families, communities, and country. If leaders are quietly sitting back watching, the people feel inhibited and will hide away too. As the cities burn around us don’t think the church building we hide behind won’t be next. If we don’t take a visible Stand for Christ God will look for those who will. Christians, we need to keep moving forward in Prayer, Love, Peace, Solidarity, and be seen doing it not hiding away for fear of what others are going to say or do. Any progress towards Love and Solidarity first begins with our willingness to step out of our comfort zone and take a Stand for Freedom in Christ, then lead others to this freedom. It is the only true Freedom. It is THE key to Christ, which is not ours alone to hoard. It’s meant to be shared openly and widely, especially by the way we live our lives, how we react to others, and believing that God wans to restore all for the greater good of the kingdom.

Genuine Love in the diversity of life breathes healing into our lives, change where it needs to occur, compassion to see all points of view, yet not excusing violence, trauma, or abuse. Only in Christ, by recognizing Truths, can we maintain joy in the midst of difficult times and be able to use that joyful peace within to teach peace without. We are all created diversely in the image of God. We are not created with a Spirit of Fear; that is from satan. Calm Down America. Loving ourselves. the unloved, and the unlovable is hard work, but the effort pays off down the road. In the end no matter whether it’s an addict, neighbor, family, your community, or your country, Choose Love and Hold On To It Tightly. The Truth Will Set You Free..

“For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh (human ways), but through Love Serve One Another.” Galatians 5:13 (ESV) Who can you show unconditional Love to today? Share Your Freedom in Christ!