High Rise

The crisp air standing in the rising sun this morning took my breath away in gratitude of how good God is to all of us. When we wait, listen, pray, follow His lead through His Word, and maintain order during the process we awaken to truths, clarity, Holy order, and leave behind the worldly chaos even while standing in the midst of it.

As I watched a hawk soaring in the heavens with her two young fledglings fly and soar God reminded me this is what rising high above it all means. To learn from Holy Spirit we must stay close to God yet venture into life trusting Holy leads us to where we need to be on earth.

To be able to stand firm in our trust and faith in Holy while in the middle of a crisis, fear, uncertainty, a sea of death, or day to day hardships we allow ourselves to calmly let go and follow Jesus through it all.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Everyday, practice soaring with God whatever you are doing, whoever you come in contact with, and wherever you go. It will become a daily habit before you know it. Soar upward and onward……