
Have you ever had one of those days where all you could do was close your eyes and whisper help? I’ve had many of those days in my lifetime. The one thing I can attest to is that when I do, God shows up in some way at some time throughout the day.

We are not meant to now everything at one time, manage outcomes for everyone, or control the narrative at all times. We are created for purpose in Jesus’ name and not for self. We are never going to understand everything or everyone. However, God does, and that is enough.

Today, relinquish the control you think you have over anything in this world and focus on God.

Jesus has unique ways to reach us. It may be through other people, blessings from strangers, His creation, our pets, a strong holy presence felt close, or scripture from a friend.

My best friend, Cindy, sent me this scripture this morning.  It was much needed and truly appreciated.  May it help you refocus, rejoin, and refresh your spirit as it did mine. Thank you, God, for sending your Word just for me through Cindy. Thank you, Cindy, for responding to the inner nudging from God to follow through for Him.

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭3‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Be on the lookout for these God moments. Record them to remind you that God shows up in all mysterious ways. Holy is all-knowing. We are not, and it’s ok.

In your hours of need, God will send help. Then Holy will use you to help someone else.

Seek those opportunities every day.