
Photo Credit: Lessons Learned in Life Quote Credit: Ronald Reagan
“Do not withhold good from those to whom (are in need), when it is in your power to act.” Proverbs 3:27
  • In a world overwhelmed with need, you can always choose to help someone
  • No one should expect any one person, organization, government, or religious entity to take care of and help everyone all by themselves; Do Your Part
  • Survival in this world depends on our choosing to help, not harm
  • A healthy functioning Community of working together to help each other, especially in times of trouble, transpires into peace on earth in love
  • Even if we can only help one person or animal today; that’s our contribution to holding up our individual part of this life on earth for today
  • If you can’t help today; tomorrow is another day. In the meantime, when you can’t help; do no harm, do not turn a blind eye to wrong, do not resist the voice within that beckons you to reach out to someone else you know who can help; that too is a contribution to the greater good
  • Help isn’t always about money. Sometimes it’s just listening to someone in the deep desolation of despair, brighten the day of a lonely person by visiting, a phone call to check on someone, rescuing drowning animals, stopping the car to get a turtle out of the road and safely onto the shoulder, pick up your trash and plastic so no harm comes to the earth you inhabit and animals…
  • Take a walk by the stream of living water… if animals can figure out this act of kindness then surely so can humans

“There will never cease to be poor and needy in the land. Therefore, open wide your hand to your brother and sister, to the needy, and to the poor in the land.” Deuteronomy 15:11 Help; Don’t Harm, Leave Stranded, Turn a Blind Eye! Who and How can you help today?