Availability is the number one goal heaven has for earthly father’s. God in heaven is always available through conversation, His Word, and prayer. Jesus lives within by the power of the Holy Spirit so his teachings, warnings, encouragement, and guidance are with you all the time.
Real men allow Jesus to be the head of their household instead of ego, complacency, dictatorship, or driven by importance. When their focus is on the Heavenly Father first there is clarity and wisdom as they lead from God and not self within their home.
There are too many absent father’s in this world even in their own households. There are too many head of churches abusing children. Turning a blind to abuse amid their leaders or members to save the brand is demonic. If you are the victim of this atrocity keep in mind that God knows your plight. Turn to God as your heavenly Father first. In time Holy will heal you. Remember the first step to healing is forgiveness. It does not absolve but rather places the burden of sin back on them. It is not your burden to carry anymore. Let it go. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through God who strengthens me.
It is always up to the father’s to lead from the point of view of God in Heaven and not a god-like ego. Know the difference.
Jesus Christ is the head of the household. Seek Holy first. The alternative is chaos, favoritism, accusations, abuse, fearful living, confusion, and unhappiness.
Your heavenly Father has the answers. Stay close to the Father of lights. Even in the distance Holy shines bright within.
But if anyone does not provide for his relative, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 1 Timothy 5:8. Providing is not just about money nor does it mean dishing out directives then leaving home for your family to try to figure life out.
Head of the household from a biblical perspective is recognizing that rather than being a bossy dictator, just a money provider, or the more important one in the family, that each family member has unique roles and responsibilities to enable the family unit to thrive not just survive. As leader, this requires engagement within the family, conversations, being available, and only becomes effective when God is consulted first over all of these areas. Father’s uts time to step up your game and step into your role with the guidance of your Heavenly Father.