Heart That Smiles

How does your heart remain soft and beautiful when faced with injustice, cruelty, uncertainty,  or grief? The purity of truth and faith in Jesus is the key. It is the act of believing in a God that is much bigger than any issues we face.

It must be worked for on a daily basis. Life is not lovely all of the time, and the negativity that takes hold within if we allow it to turns us ugly, resentful, and judgemental. Every day, satan will use something or someone to tear us away from our faith, thereby creating a hardened heart and disgruntled attitude. We no longer smile from the heart nor care. Too many in this world are stuck there right now, and hatred is running rampant. Don’t get pulled into the lie.

The heart of the matter can be learned from the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears, anointed them with expensive oil from an alabaster jar, and dried them with her hair. Jesus recognized this as an act of faith in pure love from the heart. The religious leader whose home where this took place was judgemental towards her. His disdainful heart was evident. Jesus spoke truth over the situation and forgave her of the sins she had committed because of her Faith.

Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” Luke 7

Your Faith is powerful. God sees every injustice. Give it to Holy and move on from it.  Your heart posture determines how you see God and how strong your faith truly is. Examine it. God wants you to have a soft, beautiful heart that smiles and loves life in the midst of your troubles.

Let your strong faith be a bright heart light that blinds the discontented.