Healing Words

A word, action, attitude, or behavior can either build up or tear down. It is your choice every moment of every day as to how you respond to life, others, situations, uncertainties…

To share the fruit of life we must be willing to live out our faith every day not just practice it one day a week. Healing is a process; anger is a momentary response not thought through.

Do not allow your feelings to be held captive by satan. They will be used against you and God. Jesus never wavered from the truth and facts yet showed more compassion, spoke healing words, and stayed close to God in conversation to do the right thing at any given time than any of the religious priests. It’s not about going to a building. It’s how you support, treat, and serve others, and give the healing words of Jesus to all, every day.

Build your faith on truth and facts allowing God to work miracles within so you speak healing not hurting by your words and attitudes. This is the healing fruit of life that you can give away and not cost you anything.