Great Pains

Credit Marianne Williamson

The enemy lies in wait to distract, sabotage, and interfere in our lives in an effort to diminish any progress made towards healing, growing in faith, or discovering who we are created to become. As long as we can be kept safely locked in our minds with thoughts of defeat, fear of the unknown, feelings of being unworthy, not being heard, or not accepting the challenge of change for the better we don’t think beyond our insecurities. This is not how the Creator intended for us to live. We are to embrace the vibrancy of life with a fierce passion to evolve to higher levels of Spiritual well being and discover new and wondrous things about ourselves, others, and the Divine universe we inhabit. Is it fulfilling, YES! Is it scary, YES! Is it sometimes painful and heart wrenching, YES! Is it worth it, YES!

We aren’t expected to do it alone. Take courage by the hand today and welcome the discovery of the You who is waiting to be unleashed with Jesus by your side. Kick dull into the dirt. Dust off your hands and walk bravely into your future. Ask for it. Help someone else do it, too. We are all in this together and with the Almighty One we will succeed. He will send encouragers to help you step out in faith to embrace who You really are in your temple of Holy within.

“David said to Solomon, his son, Be strong and courageous and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.” 1 Chronicles 28:20