Grateful For

Be grateful for one more moment in the present with those you love. Push past grievances away. Do not linger in the past. The mysteries of God show up in your present moments as you are grateful within for His provision. Feel His joy surround you as you strive to do His will.

Take a lesson from Daniel when he was summoned to reveal the king’s dream.  He prepared for the present moment by asking his friends to join him in prayer. He prayed for God to reveal the meaning.  He waited. God revealed the mystery of the kings dream that night to him in a vision.  Then Daniel praised God and as he went to the king with the meaning he gave God the credit First.

To experience God’s joy we must stay in the present moment with Him at all times. Satan uses regret, the past, gain for the future, anxiety, our fears, and worldly pursuits to distract us from the present moments with God. You will not hear, feel, or understand the mysteries of how Holy works in your life if you are focused on other things. Prepare, wait on God’s timing, and give God the glory.

…there is a God in Heaven who reveals mysteries. Daniel 2:28

Today, be grateful for the only God who reveals mysteries to each of us for the good of all.