Be good to yourself in the right ways. Having your own way at all costs, selfish behaviors, rude attitudes, or satisfying temptations you know are not good for you not only destroys relationships, careers, and families, but these are not good, healthy ways to foster your inner child. Seek good vibrations to encourage healing and happiness even as the world around you blows apart. Seek Divine intervention through prayer, meditating on Holy Words and Songs, listening for the right way to do or say….. Accept and Respect the Divine vibration within as the master of life. This is the true gift of life. It is not found in this world.
For you were called to freedom. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5:13
Until we seek good within we are unable to serve good without into the world. Time to raise the bar in caring for yourself through the Holy ways so you can spread the good vibes throughout your life to others.