Thankful for Family

The joy of family, by blood or not, is denied many in this world. Many spend holidays alone, outcast from events, snubbed by society, and sensing they are not good enough, remain lonely. Their idea of family becomes skewed by life’s hardships, mental breakdowns, addictions, and selfish endeavors. This is not how it is supposed to be.

Humans, by creation, are family oriented. Even animal families play amidst the tensions of parenthood, gatherings, and survival. Family may be soulmates, friends, blood relatives, or animals. The most important family you can belong to, however, is the family of God. Those who already sit around the Throne in the Courts of Heaven as well as those still in our lives.

I am Thankful for my Heavenly Family.

The body of Christ on earth makes mistakes. The body of Christ in Heaven awaits your arrival at your appointed time. Don’t miss this family reunion.

Join Holy Spirit on this quest to see your God family. Ask Jesus to come alive in your heart, right now. You will never feel alone again.

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15