God’s Plans

It is God who has plans for every life on earth since the beginning of time. His Word is the blueprint to follow in order to build our life in Holiness and not of this world. What words come to mind? Cornerstone, rock of my salvation, living water, bread of life, birds nesting, steer clear of temptations, trials of the heart, guard your heart, washing feet, forgive as many times as it takes, healing prayers, singing praises, joy……

When we meditate on the words from God’s Word, they come together in our spirit so that we build a life in Holiness and not self-motivated ambitions, emotions, attitudes, and complaints. It is then we learn that no matter who does what, no one is going to steal our joy. God’s ways are the only way to live a peaceful, joy-filled life in the midst of trials, chaos, disorder, and mayhem.

There is a plan mapped out for our life by God.  Before we were even born, our blueprint was established. That alone is significant enough to give us joy. Just remember this world will bear down on you in unfairness, anger, manipulation, or carelessness with your heart. Thank Jesus for loving you more. We are all a work in progress. Until the day we go to heaven, this life is preparing each of us for eternal life. Are you building your life with God?

For everything, there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven… Ecclesiastes 3:1

In the face of adversity, do not give up your joy. It’s just a season. Praise God!