What are you interested in? If this world entices you more than doing what is right, your path will not only be hard without assistance, your heart will harden against the goodness of God.
Lot’s wife’s name is not mentioned in the Bible. Perhaps that’s on purpose as she represents all of humanity. We all have a choice to make to be saved, to follow Jesus no matter where it leads, to not ride the fence between good and evil, and to seek holiness in this hardened world.
She did not want to leave her home, yet God’s promises should have been enough. We do not want to leave the addictions, phones, social media, or parties but still want God’s protection. She was willing to turn a blind eye to the evil surrounding her home just to remain there. Her disobedience shows us her heart was with her things and not with God.
Genesis 19:26
She pined for the past, and it got her killed. Watch where your focus is these days. Focus on Jesus’ ways, teaching, the promises, and strengthen your faith in God, not this world.
Stop looking back so you can move forward and upward. Seek God’s interest and move with Holy. It is for your protection, peace, and life itself. Don’t get left behind.
On that day, let the one who is on the housetop, with his goods in the house, not come down to take them away, and likewise let the one who is in the field not turn back. Remember Lot’s wife! Luke 17:31-32
We don’t really possess anything in this world. Turn your mind and heart to God’s way, today.
I ask you again, what are you interested in?