I have always marveled at how the people God was saving from captivity were trusting enough to walk the path of the parted Red Sea, yet did not trust God enough to provide for them in the wilderness. When the enemy was bearing down, God provided a means of escape for His people, then allowed the waters to envelope those who meant harm. The people were up against trusting God in a crisis or sure death or captivity. The high walls of the water most likely invoked terror and thankfulness at the same time. The people followed God, who can be trusted in the critical areas of your life.
So, how is it the people grumbled, complained, and began dabbling in worshipping other gods in the wilderness on the way to the land God promised? Perhaps weary boredom with difficult circumstances? Maybe hunger, thirst, and fear squewed their thinking. Still, after such a miraculous saving, did the people really think God was going to just abandon them to the elements?
Life is difficult, but God comes through every time in every way that we need. Waiting Patiently, daily relationship, tuning in to Holy timing, and faithful trust along with conscious determination to follow God’s lead are the keys to success.
History has proven that humans are fickle, power hungry, and forget the goodness of God quite quickly. God doesn’t want to just be your trusted source in crisis, but rather, wants to have daily deep relationship with you. Remember the miracles of old and seek the daily miracles of today. Keep the faith. Keep going in Holy directions. God will provide.
Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds. Luke 12:24