God is in Control

Staying calm in the midst of adversity is a gift from God. If we focus on that instead of the wrong at hand, we can relinquish it to Holy. God is in control. Let us live like it and get out of His way.

If we can remain calm when faced with hostility, bad treatment, and harassing annoyances, our vision of God becomes clear and concise in the moment. If we give in to arguing, anger, the temptation of having the last say, or maintaining power, confusion sets in giving satan a stronghold to create more chaos. Give God control every moment. He will unlock the door to calmly doing the right thing, but you must pay attention and follow His lead, not our own. Holy has the key for every situation.

Jesus gave us the blueprint of living in the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. We are called to do what is right, not fight for our own way, our own justice, or become revenge seekers. It is only then that we can feel satisfied within. That is the key to calmness when your world is falling sideways.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6

Today, be blessed by God. Choose Holy first in everything. Seek the Jesus way. God is in control – Remain calm.