Give a Smile

I was checking out at a local grocery store recently, and the cashier just happened to be angry, rude, and dismissive. I studied her for the moments I had until it was time to pay, and as she looked up, we locked eyes. Her eyes were tired and lifeless. My heart went out to her. I smiled as I nodded to her and said thank you. She stared at me. She began to tear up, but embarrassed, she looked away and fumbled the receipt into my hand. I wished her a blessed day and turned to push my loaded buggy away from the long checkout line behind me. She quickly blurted out thank you, and as I turned back towards her, she told me that I was the only person who had smiled at her all day. She continued with her story of how she was going to be late to her “son’s thing at school” because someone had called in and she couldn’t leave, so she was mad. She was not finished, though, and continued with how hard she was trying to be a mom and dad for her kids, didn’t make enough money to make ends meet, how she misses her grandparents, no one was nice anymore….., but that the smile and thank you jolted her out of her funk. I was blown away, as was everyone waiting in line for us to finish our conversation.

The point of this is that we do not know how hard someone has it in life. The world has become a treacherous place to dwell. Your smile might be the only thing that encourages everyone you encounter. So, smile often and smile big! You might be their only blessing that day.

A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day… Proverbs 15