More times than not, humans will not give up sin because life becomes too hard to cope. It is easier to stay where you are because it is familiar and will keep drawing you back in like a comfy blanket. The thing is, is life never stays the same, and neither does sin. It grows. It eventually grows out of control. It eventually will destroy your spirit, relationships, and families. The enemy doesn’t care. Satan certainly does not swoop in to save anybody. The devil laughs as you bite the dust and walks away to the next victim while pointing to your worst sins. It is then that you realize that the easy way you’ve taken is not so pleasurable and easy anymore. You are not created to be a victim.
So, I ask you, if life eventually falls apart after you’ve chosen the path of indulgences, which it will, why even go through all of the destruction? Yes, life seems to become harder when you are living for Jesus, but life is going to become harder anyway.
The difference is that Jesus never leaves us in our struggles to get out of sin. Provisions show up in the oddest ways that are many times unexplainable. Unexpected help from other people, a lifeline of prayer, a song that plants a seed in your heart to keep going, and an accompanying Word that shows you how others in generations long ago got walked away from their sin.
You are never alone in your struggle to get out of your sin. So, do not give up. Sin is not your death sentence. Your decision to get out of it as you take the hand of Jesus is your lifeline eternally.
You are worth the effort. It does not matter how deep you’re in, how far you’ve fallen, how much you’ve screwed up, how shameful you feel, or how much havoc you’ve created, Jesus is waiting with open arms to help you into the boat of unconditional love, complete forgiveness, and a life long eternal peace.
Do not let Satan win the day. Fight for your freedom so that you win the war against sin in your life in Jesus’ name. Remember, temptation is not the sin. Jesus experienced temptations by Satan for 40 days and 40 nights. He did not give in to temptations. So, know that even if you slip up and choose the sin when tempted, Jesus will still meet you there to escort you back out. Do not give up.
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape,and that you may be able to endure it. 1 Corinthians 10