Carry the freedom of eternal life every day
Nurture your God-given gifts; use them, give them
Care for the good of the kingdom in Jesus name
Just before Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey He knew the people wanted a political king to swoop in and take over. He rode on anyway. His mission did not look like that at all. His mission included teaching the people about the way to the kingdom of God throughout His life as He made His way to the cross to die for us in forgiveness and freedom from our sins to eternal life. Freedom is never free.
Like today’s world, the people wanted something they didn’t take the time to understand. They wanted immediate gratification. God is not impulsive or self serving like the media, worldly endeavors, or selfish motives. He gives us gifts to use while on earth that are to be studied, used, shared, and honed. What are your gifts of the spirit? Focus on that and your burdens.
Step away from your daily grind today and seek Holy Spirit guidance, understanding, meaning, and embrace the trust you have in Jesus way. God’s faithfulness is never ending. It is time to leave the rat race behind and learn to live peacefully free amid the rats. Let them carry their own burdens, but keep love at the forefront. Use your gifts wisely.
What are you searching for in life? Seek your gifts and give them away.
Roman’s 12:6-8
Carry your spirit filled gifts of God onward towards eternal life.