Focus on God

What you are focused on will influence you more than you know. As humans, we are highly aware of our feelings, so if we fixate on everything that is going on in this world, we will totally miss God’s presence among us. Holy is giving us warning after warning, but are we truly getting it?

I have had a long, hard week of Covid. Im still alive. Jesus saved me. I am weak, but Holy is strong. While at the hospital and when I got home, Holy sent me visions of angels spiraling around me, Jesus’ healing waters pouring over me, and a tenacity to not give up. That was pure love. All the while, the enemy injected a circus of entertainment to distract and delay healing. That was pure hate.

The Lord gave me a choice. I choose Jesus because I know Holy well. I trust God with my life. Jesus died to save me. The enemy props up on pedestal for all to see but does not care 1 penny about the life of humanity.

You have choices, too. To understand them, you must know fully both sides. Do not let time run out on you. Your choices are reflective of how you see life. God isn’t playing. Stay focused on Holy. Stay close in prayer, worship songs, conversation, and the Holy Word in truth. Stay committed to Jesus. There is no army on earth that will protect you. Stay focused on God.

…the gates of your land are wide open to your enemies; fire has consumed their bars. Nahum 3:13