Fly High and Soar

Quote / Photo Credit Unknown

When life’s craziness seems to surround on all sides Holy beckons us to fly high above it all. Put on your eagle wings and soar using the current of the wind to peacefully glide changing directions in calmness. Don’t get caught up in the fray of the earthbound. It wastes our energy, distracts from our soul purpose, and allows the enemy to use our tiredness to keep us down, depressed, confused, and unfocused on the reality of Divine knowledge. Make no mistake there is a time to hide in the refuge and protection of the shelter of the Most High that is provided for us at the time, but this is not that time. It is time to fly above it all.

Be patient. The wind will change. Enjoy the view rather than living like you are enduring the drudgery. Fly High in Hope gaining Strength and Wisdom, and Look forward to the Change that is coming!

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31