Truths have a way of opening our eyes and awakening our souls. It is then that we can stand firm in our faith. We live in such a time that complacency, turning a blind eye, hiding, or pretending that lies and discontent do not run rampant will no longer be allowed.
Either you believe in God’s truth or believe in the ways of evil. Which one do you believe?
Everyone, it seems, wants their way even if it’s dishonest, deceitful, and destructive. This way of living is pure evil. Those dishing out the terror, greed, and money hungry in the name of power are only looking out for themselves. It is sad to watch the veterans, homeless, sick, and poor try to survive this kind of overwhelming stress…..
Are you firmly awake yet? The only truth in this world is given to you by God. We are called to stand firm in truth even in the face of terror. Will you?