Fall in Love

What do you fear in life? There is much to fear in this world of evil doers. Do not get locked into the fearsome path out of the inability to allow yourself the freedom to change what you can, then give the rest to Jesus.

Changes of seasons bring new perspectives, clearer thinking, and exciting opportunities to bravely step out of your comfort zone. Embrace this season of change as one of abundant blessings. Go forth into the world with the confidence of a spiritual warrior in faithfulness to the one true God, who never changes.

Let God be your balancer. Holy will give you courage to grow as you change mindsets. Seek Holy Spirit guidance. Read the Word. Pray for enlightenment.

Fall in love with Jesus all over again. Every season of your life that includes Jesus will hone your prayers, anchor your faith, color your fears with light, and seal your brave heart with love.

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8

Let God change your life as the season of fall rolls in on the brisk winds of His Word…