Faith Over Fear

The depth of your faith overrides whatever fear comes your way. How deep is your faith? Is it deep enough to sustain in the face of uncertainties, unfairness, or even death?

Faith resolves, calms, silences demons, and grows your strength to conquer. Your faith is as strong as the time you put into it.

If Sunday morning service is all you do to nurture your faith, it will be shallow. If you develop it through your personal relationship with Jesus daily, you bring the Holy Spirit into your whole life, thereby creating a barrier to this world’s problems.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalm 53:6

When your faith is strong, fear is diminished. It is then a blanket of gentleness can envelope you in peace no matter what happens. It covers your spirit as you lean into God instead of giving into fear.

Today, it is time to stand on your faith and not give into fear.

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7

Use that self-control and build your faith on the rock of Jesus.

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