Truth is not always easy to accept for many times it rubs against our humaness, our pride, what we want. Sometimes we work harder at trying to make something the truth rather than trying to find out if it even really is the truth. In our humaness we want to fix it to fit our narrative, not see red flags and underlying signs, nor acknowledge it’s a lie because then we must turn around and face the fact it was a lie all along. That is not easy and many would rather perpetuate the lie than do the work and what it takes to seek out truths.
We must understand our spirits are made in truth and love. Our lives cannot become whole unless we seek truth in all areas of life otherwise we follow along thinking we are in a comfortable place only to wonder why something is just not right. That is not peace. It is not truly living.
Seek truth, face it head on, do the work, do the research, make the effort, and live your best life in freedom and truth. Your only other option is to spiral out of control with the masses down the rabbit hole. It’s up to you.
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32