You can choose to navigate life and steer wisely. Keep your eyes open, your mind at attention to what is Truth, Healthy, Vibrant, and Holy, and choose to rise above the fray every day, all day long. Surrendering daily is not a cowering, meek, and fearful position. It is the bravest, most courageous way to start our day. “No, not today Satan”, is a valid response. Surrendering is avoiding the temptations and pitfalls the enemy uses to trick us into giving in then uses it against us to hold us in the wayward grasp. Stand firm. All of us can do it every day if we are aware of what we need to do. Pay attention, keep the faith, walk the talk, and you will succeed. Eyes wide open to everything going on around you enables you to Steer clear of deception, lies, all the things that drag you away. Is it easy? Never will be. Is it worth it? Always! When you are too weak to steer Jesus will intervene on your behalf. All you need to do is ask!
“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you.: Ephesians 1:18