The dead weeds by the riding arena harbor four speckled jewels. Each day I ride by on my horse to see if the new life has broken through. As is customary of Plover’s, the mother bird begins a dance of fake broken wings expecting to lure my attention away from her ground nest while the father bird runs around chirping wildly in yet a different direction. Both tactics are comical, yet what a display of dedication and care to distract me away from the eggs in order to protect them. My horse is never amused by all the fluttering about and sometimes I think she’s confused as to why they don’t just fly away.
The Plover family is expectantly awaiting the arrival of their babies and I’m expectantly waiting to get a glimpse of them.
Expectancy is the feeling or Hope that something exciting, interesting, or good is about to happen. What if we had that same level of excitement about life, our personal relationship with Holy, and creation? Wouldn’t our lives become lighter, happier, quieter, softer, and holier if our expectations focus on life’s simple wonders of hope rather than the gloom, doom, violence, and angry citizens the dead weeds of this world dishes out daily.
What are you waiting for expectantly: healing, a miracle, renewed strength, a different way of life, freedom from things, people, and habits that weigh you down? Embracing the Spirit of Expectancy is evidence of our faith.
Today, get out there and look for a few speckled jewels among the dead weeds. Expect to find Jesus every day and you will encounter the living God within in ways you never imagined.
“In alert expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary – we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!” Roman’s 5:5 (MSG)